Il Tempo delle Fragole

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    Vedi Link direttamente all’Officina!!! A me sembra un’idea davvero caruccia e la mia ragazza quando l’ha sentita ne è rimasta entusiasta!!! Voi cosa en pensate??? Cosa vi piacerebbe in un gioco del genere??? Rispondete qui piuttosto che nell’Officina… :)


    Ma è il tabboz simulator!

    Sigh, sono troppo vecchio…


    Ma assolutamente no!!! Conosco quel giochino assurdo in cui vedevo gente passarci le ore… no no, assolutamente, tutt’altra ambientazione… senza truzzità di sorta. Non è da pensare come un “trovi la tipa migliore, vinci la partita”, ma l’amnbientazione, avevo già fatto una volta questo discorso, si farà sentire parecchio… ed in bene. Niente motorini da truccare quindi, sorry!!! :)


    UN po’ mi spiace, senza la marmitta cromata che gusto c’e’?

    Cmq tornando al serio, credo che sia un gioco potenzialmente interessante ma con una ambientazione molto molto settoriale.
    A differenza di Fight che pur essendo di combattimenti credo possa piacere ad un pubblico molto vasto. Questo è più difficile. Non è un difetto in se. Ma credo sia una cosa da tenere presenta quando si inizia a strutturare un gioco.


    Qualcosa di simile… più o meno simile… beh, in realtà piuttosto diverso :blink: è nell’ultimo prototipo di Friedeman Friese. In realtà l’unico aspetto simile è la simulazione di vita vissuta, dove ogni persona ha degli obiettivi di vita da perseguire.

    Ti butto su una piccola review in inglese (ci salti fuori?)

    Fiese Freunde Fette Feten

    Any game whose name translates as ‘Mean Friends Hot Parties’ has got to be good. The fact that it’s from Friedemann Friese makes it even more interesting. Friedemann brought a prototype of the game to the Gathering and it’s been getting fairly constant play. As soon as I saw a game getting started I worked my way into it.

    The one thing that stands out about this game is the theme. Basically, this is the game of life. However, this is not your typical game of life. In this one, you can get friends, get into relationships, have sex, start smoking and drinking, go on drugs, etc. You don’t see that sort of stuff in many games!

    Each player has a player board where you keep track of your attributes. There are various attributes like smoking, drinking and eating. On the board you also keep track of your friends and any relationships you get into.

    You start the game in puberty where you start forming your character. A number of cards are turned up on the table – each card shows something that might happen to you that may adjust your character. You could start smoking, for example. If you do, you adjust the smoking attribute on your player board and perhaps some other attributes.

    After puberty, your adult life begins. More cards are turned up on the table – again, these are life experience that can affect your character in some way (and therefore your attributes). You bid on these cards and if you win one, you adjust your attributes to show the results of the life experience.

    Why are you doing this? Well, at the beginning of the game you are dealt out a number of life goals. Each of these life goal cards shows the attributes you need to fulfill it. Once you’ve fulfilled a card’s requirements you can play it on your turn. Once a player has played five life goals he wins.

    All that is how the game works mechanically – it’s basically a bidding and set collecting game with a few interesting twists. The really fun part is seeing how your life in the game develops – what experiences you go through and how they affect your character. One of my life’s goals – in the game, not in real life – was to become an Elvis Impersonator. This meant I had to go on drinking binges in order to get myself towards that goal. Once I had my alcohol attribute up to the right level (among other attributes) I was able to fulfill my life goal (and start singing “Hound Dog”).

    Yup, this is no ordinary game. The version of the game we played was in German and though we could get the gist of what our life experiences were it definitely would be more fun if we could read the text on the cards which say what you are going through. Another neat part of the game is that at the end, you can pick up your cards and look through them one by one to see the story of your life.

    I liked the game a lot. It is different, defiantly theme-wise, and mechanically it’s quite neat. Some may be turned off by the themes, and I would understand that. Everybody I talked to here likes that game – some people really like it have played it numerous times. It looks like Jay Tummelson may be doing this one in English – if he does this will be a must-buy for me.


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